Looking at your posts, it's becoming more and more clear that, like mental patients (or the Bush administration), you prefer your own distorted view of reality to the actual reality that the rest of us deal with each and every day. When someone posts something saying that a bull***t lawsuit challenging Obama's U.S. citizenship haas been thrown out, you post something from a crackpot website saying that a judge has ordered the Obama campaign to suspend operations because the allegations are true. When someone responds to your bull***t posts about the biblical origins of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with actual quotes from one of the Founding Fathers that refutes your points, you complain about cutting and pasting and refuse to address any of the refutations. When someone on an extreme right-wing website posts anything at all that feeds in to your insane
Conspiracy theories and biases, you post it here and viciously attack anyone who dares to point out how ridiculous it is.
I'm sorry that reality just doesn't match the fevered cesspool of lies and crackpot visions that exist inside your heads. I know that deep down inside you realize this, and it causes intense grief for you. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross described the stages of grief as including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Clearly you are all still deeply in the anger stage, and all you can do is lash out at "liberals" and others who disagree with you (and who point out the irrationality of your arguments). Perhaps someday you will progress beyond this stage, and maybe even eventually come to an acceptance of how wrong you are about everything. Mind you, I'm not holding my breath.
At any rate, for the time being I'm sure that you will continue to post your wacko musings about Obama's islamic/socialist/terrorist tendencies, and those of us who are reality-based will continue to mock and ridicule you, since you aren't really interested in actually debating anything on its merits. Maybe it's wrong to make fun of people who are as delusional as you are, but it's fun, and it's better than having to think about the horrible economic crisis that this country is facing, as a result of the libertarian and conservative ideology that has been foisted upon us for the last 28 years (thanks, Alan Greenspan!). I know that an Obama presidency is not going to magically solve all of our problems, because they are too deeply-rooted and any substantive change will be bitterly opposed by the entrenched special interests that have helped get us into the mess we're in. I will vote for him, hoping for the best, and knowing that no matter how bad things are now, they would only get worse under a McCain/Palin administration.
At some point, all of us will have to deal with reality as it comes crashing down around us. For now, I'll just sit back and laugh at the rubes.