Hello and Welcome!
Jessesmom has asked some pertinent questions. You are one of the few who has received a diagnosis - congrats - Strongyloides is often misdiagnosed or never caught in time because it mimics other conditions.
In dealing with Strongyloides you want to be very careful. It is one of the few parasites that I would suggest to be under someone's care, because it is a nasty parasite. Since you are working with an ND, you might want to ask if they've ever helped anyone with this type of infection, specifically Strongyloides. Also, if I were in your shoes, I'd do as much research as possible and write people. I don't know if you've done any research on them; if not, there are several good posts on Strongyloides. (Please don't be alarmed with reading a few posts because they involved hyperinfection or where a misdiagnosis occurred that lead to fatalities.)
I don't know anything about what your taking, but you could go ask the people on the Parasite Forum or do a search on natural remedies for Strongyloides. I do know that Strongyloides infect horses and this is a problem for their owners. I have read where successful natural products have addressed this problem. Many years ago, I did contact an Australian who deworms horses and people (I was inquiring specifically about eye parasites and don't remember who he is) - this is something that you might want to look into further.
The "cold" symptoms that you described would be characterized as a die-off process.
The small red "finger nail clippings" could be your parasite. Here's are links to micrographs.
As you get rid of your infection, don't be surprised if you find other parasites. The 'diagnosis' is usually an indicator that there is a fair to large infections/infestations present. Often, there are more than one parasite species infecting people which is less prevalent, but just as important.
Please understand that it is normal to be scared when first starting out and it can be overwhelming. You're not alone - we've all been there and can identify. :) In time, you get use to the process.
Good luck and please keep us posted! :)