While your post of the upside down statement was quite a trick and funny because it was upside down, I have to point out that it is not an accurate statement. Someone told you wrong.
In his book "The Hygienic System"
Herbert Shelton wrote the following about visual defects:
"Visual defects: While it is no uncommon thing to see great and lasting improvement in vision develop during a fast, particularly during a long fast, there are somewhat rare instances in which there develops temporary weakness of vision. Carrington mentions what he regards as a "curious development" which he says may never be seen again. A patient saw double for a time just prior to breaking the fast. Two visual images were perceived instead of one. I have seen one or two such developments myself at the end of a very long fast. What is seen more often, but still only rarely, is weakness of vision, so that the faster can see but little. He is forced to discontinue reading, or his vision may become weaker, even, then this would indicate. Much of this seems to be due to a temporary loss of coordination between the two eyes, as they do not focus upon the object viewed. That no real injury to the nerves or mechanism of vision occurs is shown by the fact that the weakness and defect soon disappear after the fast is broken and vision is soon better than it was before the fast. I had one case in which this development occurred, in a man who had worn heavy lenses for years prior to the fast. After the fast was broken he was able to discard his glasses and got along without them. Another case is that of a woman who wore glasses but who saw double (without her glasses) before the fast, and regained normal vision while fasting. She was able to discard her glasses on the sixteenth day of her fast and could see to read, sew, thread needles, etc., without her glasses. She did not return to the use of glasses until about seven years later."
While he stated that vision weakness is seen only rarely he did not state that it would only be seen if the fasting person were "not fasting correctly."
Yesterday I had fuzzy vision and believe me when I tell you I have had nothing but distilled water according to thirst since I got up Monday morning. When I got up this morning my vision had cleared up. I knew I had read about "Vision impairment" somewhere so I went on a search and found it in Sheltons book.