In a previous post, quotation marks were put around a statement you made. These words were correctly attributed to you…
"I hate those that are unwilling to believe that there are others that do not agree with their views"
Then you said that this was not true - you said you did not make this statement. Here is what you said…
I certainly have never stated that. Perhaps you are PROJECTING. I don't "hate" anyone. That's a pretty strong word. However, there have been a number of hateful posts regarding other's race and religion. Again, it's an emotional topic, often brought up by those who are tied solely to their religious ideals without regard for any others.
Nobody was projecting anything. Here is the entire quote - AND YOU SAID IT- it was not a projection.
#59245-Anyway, sorry to butt in.
I hate hypocracy, and I hate those that are unwilling to believe that there are others that do not agree with their views....then we become "haters" "dissenters" "unmoral" "unchristian" "gay...whatever".
Here is the link…