While doing your flushes, your stones will rearrange themselves often. If more stones are blocking the bile from flowing, your system will be more acidic. The reason for this is because bile is alkaline. Try to drink alot of water with meals and after- contrary to what you have heard. People with
Gallstones are naturally acidic and need more water to change their system to alkaline. Also avoid all forms of vinegar- and citrus juice- except when doing flushes. Some people are not bothered by citrus things though so you may have to experiment. Also you may try to look up foods on the i-net that are more acidic causing versus alkaline. Fruits and veggies tend to be more alkaline. Meats, cheese, potatoes, more acidic.
Hope this helps a little. I definitely do not think you have a stone stuck! You have a normal problem for someone with
Gallstones so keep flushing them out! The end result will be good!
kind regards