We know for a FACT that George Soros is a drug pusher. Soros wants to legalize drugs and is actively pushing them on America. We know there are many useful idiots carrying water for the left and have openly admitted this. One at this forum yesterday stated that they were an apologist for the left, and proud of it too.
They could care less about the socialist's agenda. They could care less about this country. Like George Soros the apologists are anti-American. They are morally bankrupt and pathetic. So call this hate speech if you like. They do not like being called liberal, and hate facts even more.
Obama wants to teach SEX to kindergarden children who have not yet learned to read. He wants to terminate the lives of INNOCENT children who have survived abortion attempts.
THIS IS SOCIALISM. It is anti-human. It is population and mind control starting at very young ages. This is how to establish control. The mothers in this audience must love that sex and drugs and 'Hope' and 'Change' are the mantras for the backers of Obama.
So you socialists, go ahead and wallow. Wallow in your foolish pride. Wallow in your nihilism. Wallow in your futility. Wallow in your angst.
So be it!