Okay, I will get to the point.
1. Pure Maple Syrup from Grocery store is this the kind to use? ( not log cabin type).
2. I premixed my whole gallon and half and drank all day yesterday. Why cant premix and stick in fridg?
3. I have not had a bowel movement yet. Its 7:00 the next morning. When should I expect to have one?
4. I read on another board about taking a laxitive tea or
Sea Salt s I had not heard of this before. Is Smooth move tea okay before bed?
5.I didnt think this was that big of a deal but its starting to becameone for me.
6.I am taking something for my candida is it okay to take this onething while cleanseing? (Good bacteria)
I noticed my mouth felt terrible by the end of the day my teeth felt coated and my tongue was really white. The white on my tongue was almost gone before this.
Will the maple syrup cause the candida to grow?
Thank you in advance I am almost thinking about skipping this cleanse and going stieght to the Liver flushsince I already do not feel any better. I actually feel worse.