Recently I had my daughter (14, 125lbs.) do a month of colon cleansing (Dr. Natura) with seemingly much success. A day or 2 afterwards she complained about having pain in the lower right quadrant area. Could that be an abstruction of something leftover from the cleanse? The pain hasn't gotten worse and it comes and goes so it doesn't SEEM to be an appendicitis. I've already made an appt. for her to see the doctor (earliest I could get was tomorrow) but short of going to the ER and being told it's gas 100+ dollars later, not sure what to do in the meantime. Again, she's functioning normally except for the occassional pain. She says it feels like something is stuck and like it's moved a little from the times she's been able to go to the bathroom (movements haven't been great in quantity), but the pain hasn't gotten worse and it's not excrutiating and again it comes and goes. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!