As I wrote in my last post, I'm feeling pretty desparate because liver flushing most often fails for me (no stones come out), and I still believe they are in there.
Well, I've been having this bottle of malic acid capsules sitting on my desk a while and I usually take a few a day. Recommended dosage before an LF is 2000-3000 mg per day (roughly 2-4 caps). Since that wasn't really doing anything for me, and I was feeling desperate I thought I should just try a megadose.
I ended up taking about 20 caps the day before, and then 50 more on the actual flush day (Saturday). I seemed to tolerate it well. At times it felt like I experienced a bit of acid reflux (I think), but it passed quickly.
Then I did the standard HC protocol and lay on my right side as long as I could before turning to my back. I was guessing it was working. It felt like it was (though it's hard to tell even for a veteran flusher like me).
Indeed, the next morning I passed lots and lots of stones. Not my very best flush, but still a decided success. That was like the best thing that could have happened to me.
Was it thanks to the malic acid? There's no way to know for sure. But I'm gonna repeat it next time which will be in 2 weeks.
On a side note, I went back to using grapefruit instead of lemon the past 2 flushes and I can't believe how much better it tastes! I used to hate the taste, but now after using lemon for a long time, I'm actually liking the taste of the OO/GF mixture.
Well, almost :p