Voting is a right, which one may choose to exercise or not. So is freedom of speech and the right to express your opinion regardless of whether or not you vote. The two have no connnection. And the unenlightened myth that would have us believe that people who do not vote have no right to complain is nothing but another tool to keep the brainwashed from learning the truth about how corrupted the process has become.
Some people choose to express their political beliefs by not voting, especially those who have opened their eyes and minds and see past the charade - and they should be given every bit as much respect and freedom to express themselves as those who do vote.
While I admire your traditions, the presidential election process has become rigged and most of us are merely voting for one of two puppets controlled by the same elite that plays us as fools.
Speaking of rights and privileges, our forefathers clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence that it is not only our right, but also our DUTY, as citizens to change our form of government when it is no longer responsive to the needs of its citizens and serves special interests.
Too bad so many people are all caught up in exercising their so-called privilege of voting in a rigged election and have let their blindeness cause them to shirk their patriotic duty.
So DQ, if you don't vote, how are you exercising your duty to change our form of government?
By opposing the charade of a "free and democratic presidential election" and calling on people to wake up to the NWO plan for a one world government of the elite - the same as I have always done once my own blinders came off.
I did not say I was not voting, btw, but if I do decide to vote I am surely not voting for one of the two major party puppets.