First critic - Calls himself Biosafe. I have quoted Biosafe in Blue below. See Further down for Finette
Let me just cover his last post on Cure zone. First sentence he says he has made numerous attempts to advise MMS regarding it dangerous strength. I apologize in advance for calling a lie a lie. I just can’t help it. When someone lies, I just have the tendency to call it a lie. So on the very first sentence he lies. He has made no attempt to contact me or help me in any way. He has tried again and again to destroy MMS. Of course he isn’t wrong about everything. No one is. He just gets the important points wrong.
The next sentence he talks about the health and safety of the users of MMS. Well I wonder why he is so worried about MMS users when 970,000 people die from drugs and no one dead from MMS. If he is such a humanitarian that he is worried about the health of people taking a life give substance as MMS why doesn’t he worry about all those people taking drugs that are hundreds of times more dangerous than MMS. MMS is dangerous, so is household bleach, and household ammonium. There is a number of people dead each year from these products. Also karosine, and paint thinner, and draino the kitchen sink drain cleaner is 100% sodium hydroxide, 10 times more dangerous than MMS. Why doesn’t he campaign against those dangerous products and leave something that is helping thousands of people to feel better alone. (Could it be because he wants to sell his own watered down product?)
Then he talks about breaking the law, but doesn’t give anyone any references to any laws. He has said that a number of times, but has never shown the law. No one else has either. They would have to make a law against those other products as well. I’ll admit I don’t know. No one has ever showed me such a law.
Biosafe: “MMS claims it is not stabilized oxygen, the product that led to MMS. Well it is exactly the same just a different strength.”
I have said that very thing numerous times. MMS is indeed the same chemical as the product that is called Stablilized Oxygen now sold on the market and has been sold for many years. I said it in my book in three different chapters. I wish he’d break down and read my book. I’ve mentioned that 10 times on the radio. The point that he continues to miss is that Stabilized Oxygen never did have any oxygen available for the body. The thing that nobody realized during all those 75 years was that the work was being done by chlorine dioxide and not oxygen.
Biosafe: “MMS claims to be chlorine dioxide, it is not.”
This is where he shows his total ignorance for chemistry. All the claims anywhere, and especially in my book say that acidified sodium chlorite generates chlorine dioxide. In the case of MMS it is generated in extremely microscopic amounts. And, of course, MMS has never claimed it is chlorine dioxide.
Now about chemistry. Chemistry is pretty well established in colleges and universities. It teaches certain principles. Most of our scientists agree with these principles of chemistry. So when Biosafe tries to beat around the bush about MMS and says it isn’t producing chlorine dioxide then he simply doesn’t understand chemistry. Let me make it easy. Go to Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 173.325 and you will see that even the regulations talk about making chlorine dioxide from sodium chlorite (that’s what MMS is). It’s so well known through out our society its even in the regulations. One more reference. Go to There you can learn a lot about chlorine dioxide for use in industry. But the important thing you can learn is that it is generated from sodium chlorite (MMS) with addition of acids. I can’t say biosafe is deliberately lying, he probably just can’t get the technology down straight in his mind.
But when you are reading about it, you must understand that I never said that MMS is chlorine dioxide when acidified. I said many places, MMS generates up to 1 mg of chlorine dioxide per hour when in the body and up to 3 milligrams when the acid is first added to it. Does that sound like I’m saying MMS is chlorine dioxide. It generates a tiny tiny amount of chlorine dioxide. That isn’t even a pin head. That is at least 1000 times less than what Biosafe is saying that I am saying.
Biosafe: “Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) claims by MMS are all misconstrued. Ascorbic acid is commonly used in the food processing industry as the activator for sodium chlorite for the extension of shelf life, so the vitamin C tablet being concentrated is activating the residual chlorous acid from the MMS taken prior.”
Here Biosafe is trying to be scientific and pretending to understand chemistry a little bit.
The Biosafe’s statements about ascorbic acid are so far astray that you won’t find any references. Ascorbic acid is not used as an activator for sodium chlorite. Ascorbic acid is a preservative. In the body it is an antioxidant and in fruits it basically does the same thing to preserve the fruit. Then out of the blue he says a vitamin C table activates the chlorous acid from the MMS taken earlier. Believe me that is off the wall. There is no chlorous acid, and even if there were, you don’t activate acids. To get any relief you would have to neutralize them. The vitamin c that I suggest you take if you are nauseous prevents more chlorine dioxide from being generated. If more chlorine dioxide is not generated the sickness disappears quickly. By the way, there was one chemist that tried to explain the preservative action of vitamin C by saying it activates sodium chlorite, but he was proven wrong. Normally there isn’t any sodium chlorite in items that vitamin C is preserving. Vitamin C does not activate sodium chlorite. I tested that enough times.
I should mention that if you put some vitamin C full strength in some MMS or or sodium chlorite you will get some chlorine dioxide readings. That isn’t the point. You don’t have full strength vitamin C in any juice, ever, as the juice itself will dilute the vitamin C. So what you do full strength in a glass has little to do with what happens in the stomach when vitamin C has been added to the juice you are using. I hope that is obvious.
Biosafe: “MMS claims, as it is chlorine dioxide, it is approved as food additive, they are wrong.”
I don’t claim the chlorine dioxide is used directly in food, but it is approved for certain food additives or actually secondary additives. I guarantee that you will never find a single place where I ever claimed that MMS is approved as a food additive. Remember CFR stands for Code of Federal Regulation. So look under 21CFR 178.1010, and 21CFR 173.325, and 21CFR173.300. There is numberous Federal Regulations for using chlorine dioxide mostly for washing vegetables and meat and other items having to do with food. I just point these things out to show that MMS is safe. If Biosafe was to really worry about people he should worry about all the people in the industry that used sodium chlorite direct, that’s 100% instead of 28%, because a lot of people use 100% sodium chlorite ever day. Now I didn’t say take it, they use it in industry for a thousand and one different things. Maybe we should force them to use 5% sodium chlorite like Biosafe’s mixture, or better still, if we just wait, probably Biosafe will force them to use the weaker mixture, too.
Biosafe makes the statement that my claims about Alcides is misleading. I don’t have the slightest idea what Alcides Sanova system is so I will have to skip that one. However, I am very sure that I haven’t said a thing about it.
About the ppm in drinking water of chlorine dioxide. Biosafe is partly correct here. There are different specifications, depending upon the amount of contaminant contain in the water. So one might need to clean a water that is might pure to begin with and you only want to kill one item, but on the other hand you might have a very dirty water, and it will require much more chlorine dioxide. On the other hand, when new data is found and new scientific developments are made, you can’t let old specifications stop you. I will admit, there might be old specifications that might stop MMS if they were enforced. But people won’t allow it.
About those tests on rats. Well, those rats were fed the equivalent of 100 drops of MMS every day for a year. It didn’t kill any of them. Several showed signs of having certain problems (I don’t remember what the problems were), but none we in critical condition after a year. Now no one ever took 100 drops of MMS even in a single day and certainly not every day for a year. So rather than that test showing MMS is dangerous, it shows just the opposite.
Biosafe: “Someone has died from inhaling ClO2 at 19 ppm and that is 130 times less than what MMS protocol is.”
Again I must refer to chemistry. I talk about using 3 mg in a glass full of water or juice. Do you see, milligrams and ppm are not the same thing? If that person took a full breath he probably got a lot more than 3 milligrams and he in all probability took more than one breath which would have given him more than that. Actually, you get several glasses of air in a breath and the person may have breathed it for an hour or more. We don’t know. And where he got the figure of 130 is beyond me. He just totally missed the boat on this statement. You really can’t compare taking a liquid solution and breathing a gas. Lungs react different than stomachs.
Biosafe: “Workers subject to ClO2 (thats chlorine dioxide) at 3 ppm for 5 years showed 11 out of 13 had respiratory problems.”
Now lets look at the statement of Biosafe concerning workers subjected to 3 ppm for 5 years. Eleven out of 13 had respiratory problems. The workers were breathing 3 ppm every minute, every second, in and out, in and out, every day for 5 years while at work. That’s hundreds of times more than taking one 3 ppm glass once a day. You got to realize that anything is poisonous in large amounts. Too much oxygen will kill you. To much aspirin will kill you, in fact 15 aspirin tablets can kill a man. Again, this example shows that MMS is safe. Three ppm every day all day for 5 years. No one dead. Two workers didn’t even have respiratory problems. The respiratory problems could have come from anywhere else. Every breath is more than what would be in a cup of MMS that you would take. Those guy got hundreds of times more chlorine dioxide than someone taking MMS at the highest doses.
Biosafe: “MMS claims of detoxing are false. It is impossible to remove (as they say) biofilm from the intestinal tract as claimed.”
Now Biosafe continues just to hear himself talk. I made no claims that MMS removes biofilm from the intestinal track. I do say that MMS will kill anaerobic bacteria in the intestinal track. And it does. Biosafe says he will be happy to explain why it is ClO2 poisoning. Well’ I will listen.
Then in his article he talks about how dumb everyone is for using MMS and believing in it. Well more than 200,000 people have begun to use MMS on their own in the USA in the last year. Do you imagine that all these people are dumber than Biosafe. There is plenty of supported and proven testimony.
Finally biosafe’s major point. He talks about selling sodium chlorite 6X weaker and never activated. And he says it does exactly as good. Does anyone see the fallacy of that. He claims MMS doesn’t work and then he says his product does just as good with the same results. He can’t explain why I wrote a book and gave the entire secret to the world, and worse yet, I don’t make money from the sales of MMS in the USA or anywhere else in the World at this time and he really doesn’t have an answer to that. So he sets there in Australia trying to sell his product by running down MMS in the world. My idea was to help the world, and his idea is to sell his product. Why would I be lying. We know why he does. I’m not going to spend any more time than this one article debunking Biosafe. It’s too negative.
Well guess what, Biosafe’s 6X weaker product not activated is what has been sold on the American market for over 75 years as Stabilized Oxygen. If it was as effective as he says, most of the people in the world would be well. It would have cured most things by now. I hope no one thinks that all those hundreds of thousands of people who used stabilized oxygen are less smart than Biosafe.
Now let me make my major point, Biosafe made his. Biosafe does all this writing and to those who are not schooled in chemistry he sounds like he might know something. That then makes them not use MMS, and many of them would otherwise have tried it and overcame their suffering. Buy acting so superior and so asinine he has prevented many from being well. Then he talks about listening, learning, confirming which he does none of. If he did he wouldn’t have made all of the obvious chemical and scientific mistakes that he has made on this paper and he would have confirmed the data in my book, which he still hasn’t read. Does that show a man who listens, learns, and confirms. My data can still be confirmed. We should sue him and make him read the book in court. He should be sued because of the people he hurts.
I am not going to answer any more of this persons negative stuff. I did six months ago and it was no different then than now. He hadn’t read my book then, and still hasn’t. He didn’t know chemistry then and still doesn’t. I just put this here to show his general attitude and education. The next time he writes anything I’ll still suggest that someone read this page. It’s basically all the same stuff resaid again and again and he refuses to learn chemistry or other scientific data. This is the very last time I waste my time showing his deficiencies. If he did learn chemistry and did find out that MMS works, he still would insist that MMS is to dangerous for people because he is so convinced that people are so dumb they can’t handle a strong medicine.
Ok. So now enough of that negative crap. Click on success stories to the right and read some real positive stuff. Oh yes, and by the way, these success stories can be proven, if you so wish.