Some years ago I told with young physicist (!).
He said:” You cannot be physicist (!) if you cannot
understand the beauty of Minkowski mathematics.(!)
It seems that he is right, because physicists must know
mathematics very well. The problem is that nobody
knows what is real physical meaning of “ 4-D negative
space continuum.” in the Nature. SRT is correct theory
but Minkowski space continuum is abstract. And together
they are paradoxical. More than 100 years we live with
this paradox. Nobody confuses.
During our conversation I understand that this young physicist
is strong and clever man and he want to reach success. And
I think he will do it. So, in the future he will create new
D/ M-spaces or new symmetries or discover new particles.
And one day he will be a professor and will teach new
generation ( your son or your daughter) in order that they also
have possibility to create new D/ M-spaces or new symmetries
or discover new particles.
If in the beginning the abstract ideas were put into the fundament
of physics then ……we can create new and new theories for
1000 years but the result will be the same - paradoxical.
Our small Orwell’s world.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.