Hello. I'm 17 (yeah, young..) years old guy from Czech republic. I had anxiety, several allergies, asthma bronchiale, eczema, weird diziness problems, frequent nausea etc. Excuse my bad English please, and hear my story, If you believe the zapper can't work. I was reading curezone for a long time daily, so I decided to join now.
From one event in my life which I do not want to talk about (sorry) I got anxiety and thought I have some disease that will kill me. Because of it I visited hospital and they did me couple of tests but they discovered big fat nothing. So, very stressed I sat at home and searched internet writing my symptoms in google and searching what disease I have.
This lasted about half a year, then I (finally) discovered that I have actually none disease that could kill me, after then I was better. But while searching the internet I started to find alternative ways to get cured.
The first person who led me the right path (I think it is) was
Hulda Clark . I was VERY surprised that I could do anything about my asthma, allergies and etc. I read her book, Cure for all diseases and because I am studying electrotechnics, It was no problem to build a Zapper. I discussed it with a friend and we changed the circuit a bit, but the output is OK (I have it build in cheese box, lol !).
I couldn't get copper handholds, so I used forks wrapped in toilet paper (paper soaked in water + salt) and started zapping 7-20-7-20-7 sessions, except weekends ( I didn't tell mum about this, I don't think she would be for it).
My first results were actually small nausea and I was very tired. Sometimes I had night sweat... And once when I skipped last 7 minutes sesssion and only did 2 sessions, I got REALLY bad sore throat, so guys trust me don't skip last session !
Nvm, now for improvements..
- My eczema improved since first zapping, right now it's like 90% improvement, somewhere are still "water bubbles" but where was devastated skin is now new nice looking refreshed skin !
- My bronchiale wasn't cured (maybe later ?) but It's very improved, I can't run like trice as I could before without getting short of oxygen and I decreased my corticoids dosage, cooperating with my doctor (he's nice guy btw)
- I was recently at allergy tests and I was VERY VERY surprised with the results, I am no longer allergic for about 33% things and others allergic reactions are decreased. But I have still very strong allergy against dogs :/
- I got rid of the random diziness problems.
- I feel more energy now.
- I have no more frequent nausea. Hard to say but it was the most welcomed improvement
I discovered curezone actually like few days after discovering the zapper, so i read testimonials on the forums and decided to build one.
Then, I decided to change my diet radically. Maybe it's too soon when you are 17, but I like hear some voice saying "Do it..".
I no longer eat crisps, junk chocolate, junk foods, sweets.. Until now i hardly ever ate fruit and vegetables. Now Fruit is primary in my diet.
Just few days after starting this new diet, My apettite was really really increased ( I ate about 4times more I did vefore) And I felt much more energy. I'm now underweight, about 50 kilos. But it's not that much time after starting with this, so I think I will get more kilos up. I remember someone had similar situiation, he or she changed the diet and then han to eat pretty much than ever.
By the way I take vitamin C, B-komplex and Calcium tablets daily. Dno about the dosage, just one tablet of each..
So that's my story, Zapper worked for me, It's not a cureall but it really helps. But I think the main thing is Diet.
Even if my conditions was not worth talking,
Thank you guys for creating, developing and writing in this forums. Everyone from here sure helps.