I'm an Israeli and I can tell this piece of crap propaganda won't play here. McCain is running way ahead in popularity. Two stories were published in the last two days. One was from was Wexler who alleged that Palin was a Nazi because why? She wore a Buchanan button in 1996 as a token of respect for a visitor to her town. Wexler comes off as a guy who doesn't play with a full deck.
The second story was that Biden met with Israeli officials in a closed session and told them to accept the fact that Iran will have the bomb. We're preparing for war, with wall-to-wall political support, because this is a threat to our existence. Under the circumstances if Biden is elected Nov. 4, the attack will take place on Nov. 5, and Obama can clean up the mess. If McCain gets it, he will have our trust and we can co-ordinate the attack, if it is necessary.""""