Senator Barack Obama’s Nation Of Islam Connection Exposed!
Minister Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam
February 5, 2008 – Syndicated columnist Debbie Schlussel broke a story on January 30, on Senator Barack Obama’s close ties with the Nation of Islam (NOI), headed by black racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.
Schlussel interviewed a former Obama insider on the condition of anonymity and learned that contrary to Obama’s recent statements distancing himself from Farrakhan and his anti-Jewish views, the Senator actually has staff members who are NOI members.
According to Schlussel, “… a former Obama insider says that Obama’s sudden aversion to NOI and Farrakhan is belied by the fact that Obama employed and continues to employ several Farrakhan acolytes in high positions on his Illinois and U.S. Senate campaign and office staffs.”
One of those NOI members is Cynthia K. Miller, who served as Treasurer of his Senate campaign. Another NOI member is Jennifer Mason who currently serves as Obama’s Director of Constituent Services and who oversees the hiring of interns for Obama.
The insider also told Schlussel that Obama’s Illinois State Senate district consisted of prime Nation of Islam territory, including Hyde Park where Farrakhan’s mansion is located. According to Illinois politicos, no one can win that district without the blessing of Farrakhan.
Obama’s relationship with recently arrested Tony Rezko is problematic. Rezko is a Syrian Arab who helped Obama purchase his home. In addition, Rezko was in partnership with NOI founder Elijah Muhummad’s son, Jabir.
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)
Sen. Obama’s pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright has been in the news recently over his anti-Israel statements and his recent awarding of a lifetime achievement award to his friend, Louis Farrakhan. The racist head of the Nation of Islam has referred to Judaism as a “gutter religion” and said that whites are only “potential” humans.
Obama issued a statement distancing himself from some of Wright’s anti-semite comments but his employment of NOI members raises questions about his own religious beliefs and views about Israel.
“This newest revelation about Obama’s close ties to the Nation of Islam raises serious questions about his own faith and his views on whites, Israel and our nation’s war against Islamic fascism,” said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon. “Just how many Nation of Islam racists will fill an Obama Administration should he become President of the United States?”
The Nation of Islam is a radical anti-white, anti-Jewish organization, founded by Elijah Muhummad.