Moonie, I gave you a message in your inbox.
Light colored stools with the EVOO always happened for a day after a flush for me, too.
What it sounds like to me is that you DO need more dewormer. The symptoms of sweating and getting sick after a liver flush sounds like either your bile duct is not opening enough to let the stuff pass and you are getting something stuck in the common bile duct or you haven't killed enough parasites or killed them long enough.
Personally, I did use a dose of ES a few hours after the coke flush early on. It didn't hurt me and might have helped to open the bile duct a little more as I did pass some huge stones. You have asked about the amount of Ultraphos to use. I measured 90 drops to a quart apple cider/juice every time. Maybe you are not using the correct amount of that. It has to be at least the 90 drops. I HAD to depend, basically, on the Coke flush because the Ultraphos was the only thing that would certainly open up my bile duct enough for the stones to pass. If you are skimping on the dewormer you may not be killing enough of the parasites. If I were you, I would take a lot more of the dewormer. Perhaps the quality and concentration of your dewormer is not good enough. If you can get the Humaworm, then I certainly would be doing that and when you have to go the 90 days in between, make sure your dewormer tincture is powerful enough to kill off the parasites. At least make sure you are taking enough of it. I see this as two possible problems for you. Expect diarrhea in the morning if you have used the ES. Expect light colored stools for a day after the liver flush. I couldn't use the ES all the time because of its diuretic effect.
My hunch as to what is really hapening to you is the results of the quality and amount of the dewormer you are taking. You MUST take enough of it and strong enough of a mixture to kill off the parasites. If you are as ill as you seem to be, and I believe you are, the only reason for not seeing parasites of at least some kind is that they are not dying. They have to die in order to come out. I don't think I got much results from the Clarkia during my first 2 weeks of this program. I got the Barefoot dewormer and was on a dewormer for a month before I did my first flush. UP the amount of the dewormer you are taking and see what happens. I believe it is all right to add the ES pre and post a flush if you can handle the diarrhea. Not if you have to do the flushes so close together, tho. Too much diarrhea. In addition, you can take olive leaf extract and oregano drops plus the clove oil to kill the eggs. Neem oil. Try adding other bug killers to the tincture you are already taking if you cannot get Barefoot dewormer. Follow the protocol for what Doc has outlined as close as you can. We want you to have results and make it thru this!