pH Health and Parkinson’s
My name is Espe; I live in Cameron Park Ca. I am 59 years old.
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s four years ago and now know I’ve been suffering with it for 6-8 years. I suffered all the classic symptoms; arm and leg pain, poker face, classic shuffle, weak legs, tremors, no arm movement when walking, dizzy spells, limited mobility, short term memory loss, major sleeplessness, no energy, etc. After the diagnosis, Doctors have put me on several different medications; Permax, Requip, Selegeline, and Carbidopa, just to name a few.
Permax seemed to help, but it was affecting my heart in a negative way. Requip just plain put me in the hospital with massive anxiety attacks and paranoidial tendencies.
Selegaline and Carbidopa seem to help me the best, but I found myself even more tired and yet was still not able to sleep well. I needed to take my medications every 4 hours or my legs and body didn’t want to work at all. My Doctors never gave me any hope for an answer or had any positive comments at all. I was only told that I have Parkinson’s, that there is no known cure, and that I am only going to get worse.
Two weeks ago I was introduced to an alternative treatment for parkinson’s. I started taking it for my general overall health seeking a better quality of life. What a surprise I had coming! I took the first dose Sunday evening, Mothers Day, May 14. I woke up the next morning, Monday, May 15, PAIN FREE! What a difference in just one night! Not only was the pain gone, but my legs were not tight or stiff as they have always been and I was without tremors of any kind. Needless to say I took another dose that morning.
Throughout that first week I gradually developed more energy than I have had in more than 5 years and though I almost have to force myself to go to bed, I am sleeping like a baby through the whole night. Now, instead of taking the medications every four hours I can now go seven to eight hours between doses and still function normally. The most amazing thing is on the 9th day of taking the suppliments I was able to cut out one whole dose of my medication.
I can now walk without sliding or scooting my feet. I don’t have to stop and think in order to move my legs anymore and I don’t have to tell my legs in what direction I want to move. I just move as I used to! I can even walk backwards again have started to blink my eyes more regularly.
I have energy again, have no problem with memory loss and a whole new outlook on life. I also have a social life again and can even keep up with my two year old grandson, something I have not been able to do his whole life!
I now believe that by simply eliminating acidity, heavy metals and toxins from my body, and by raising my oxygen levels and replacing essential minerals, that there is a chance of getting continually better instead of worse. This alternative treatment has changed my life and in a very short time. I now believe that in time, I may be able to get off all my medications and not be dependent to them anymore.
I was getting so tired of being a burden to my family and it feels good to be in control again!
Thank you
P.S. If you would like to know more contact me at: email, or call me at 530-409-8459