Hi Motif - I don't know how much you know about celiac or gluten intolerance, but if one is gluten intolerant or celiac and eats gluten they put themselves at risk for a whole host of problems. The following is not all-inclusive, but here you go: A gluten intolerant person continuing to eat gluten puts themselves at high risk for malnutrition,
food allergies (b/c the gluten allergy/intolerance brings down the gut barrier for long periods of time/creates a more permeable gut), reduces gut immunity (hello fungus, parasites!), and that's not all--an sizeable jump in the possibility of getting colon cancer (oh hurray). So, anyway, please do not be casual in finding out whether or not you simply have a wheat allergy or are gluten intolerant or both. See
Finding out is very important--even in as simple of terms of giving you the upper edge on fighting candida--a "glutened gut" is a gut that cannot defend itself from invaders very well.