Your diagnosis confuses me. Essential tremor and Parkinson tremor are extremely different. The Parkinson tremor is a resting tremor, i.e. the hands can be at rest and will shake. The Essential (also called Familial because it runs in families) Tremor does not occur while at rest. The hands need to be extended to shake or need to be holding something to perform a task, i.e. holding a pen to write, etc. Essential Tremor is aggravated by stress (caused by adrenaline). Essential Tremor subsides upon compsumption of alcoholic beverages, but Parkinson's Tremor does not.
Also, Parkinson's Tremor is internal as well as external. Essential Tremor is external. People with Parkinson's Tremor feel "shaky inside".
I sure hope you have Essential Tremor and not PD.