Instead of continuing to give trillions of dollars to Wall Street and the international bankers, send hundreds of billions out of the United States to the international oil companies and cartels of rich oil sheiks, and bailing out the Big Pharma world drug cartel with hundreds of billions of dollars in insurance payouts what we should be doing is investing in America itself and spend the money needed to make ourselves self sufficient in energy and back in control of our own money and finances and make true health care available and affordable to one and all.
The solution to taking back over our money is simple - return control of the Fed to the United States instead of the international bankers who actually own it now, and change from worthless Federal Reserve Notes to currencies backed by real value, such as gold and silver. And then spend only what we can afford on the national level instead of borrowing from the bankers and other countries such as China.
In energy, the solution is actually rather simple: Instead of drilling for more oil and making more use of coal and hazarding nuclear energy, we should invest in solar energy and wind energy. A combined area in the Southwestern United States of 92 miles by 92 miles of concentrated solar power would provide enough electricity for the entire United States. Combine that with converting to hydrogen cells, electric and hybrid vehicles and you have no more need for further drilling (which will not provide any oil for at least ten years anyway), no need to send all the billions out of our country to the oil sheiks and international oil companies, and vastly reduced emissions of hydro carbons and global warming. China, India and much of the rest of the world could do the same thing - and mainmade global warming would become a non-issue.
When it comes to healthcare, insurance and medical care for one and all would be easily affordable IF we stopped propping up the World Pharm cartel by having the FDA run a protection racket for a system that merely manages illness by treating sympoms with drugs that lead to more conditions in a never ending spiral. Our health care system is a sham, protected by agencies corrupted by industry influence and propped up by insurance. Instead, we should allow universal access to natural and alernative treatements and supplements, depite all the propaganda and slanted mainstream studies, are generally safer, more effective and far, far less expensive.
Say what they will, the proponents of the current system cannot deny facts such as 100,000 plus annual deaths due to side effects from properly prescribed approved medications while supplements have no more than a handful at best - or overall success rates for cancer treated by chemo of ONLY 2%! Instead of rigging the game, do as Ron Paul suggests and make the FDA prove that supplements are NOT healthy instead of forcing them (and even natural fruits like cherries) to submit to the almost billion dollar process of FDA trials. Stop the charade and save countless lives and billions of wasted dollars. Instead of protecting the trillion dollar medical collosus, apply a nature first approach to illness, let mainstream medicine concentrate on repairing damaged parts and diagnostics, and the costs of healthcare and insurance would plummet.
The reason NONE of the above are likely to happen anytime soon is that money buys influence - and the bailout votes clearly shows that our elected officials have been bought off. There is no PAC money or bribes available from energy or money that is not controlled by private corporations, or from the bounties of nature. That's where we come in and that brings me to another bail out we need. Bail out the bums who have gotten us in this mess and who vote for the bailout of the rich and maintenance of the status quo - and I mean bail them out like you bail out water from a sinking ship!
Kick the bums out who have bailed out on us and vote in people who promise to stop welfare for the rich, stop importing illegals for the enrichment of the rich, stop exporting our factories and jobs, and return our government from one that serves vested interests to one that restores our freedoms and prosperity as a servant of the people.
Then, we would be the shining beacon of liberty for the world.