I'm new with crystals. But have found a deep fascination with them. I have had an amazing experience with a shiva linga stone while I slept. I was doing chakra toning earlier in the day. I took the lingam to bed and slept with it.
At some point while I slept I felt a pulse of energy zig-zag up my spine and shoot out the top of my head. This happened very fast and it woke my up. I have only twice before ever woken up from a dream. This was weird. It was an amazing experience and since then I accepted that stones do have an effect on us!
Also, I read that if you hit two quartz crystals together they produce light. I tried this and it was true. They seem to spark. It's so cool. Also crushed a quartz crystal and this also made it light up.
Has anyone read the book "Shifting Frequencies" by Jonathan Goldman? He writes about how sound frequencies effect stones to generate fields.
I would like to read other peoples amazing experiences with crystals/stones. Please post them.
Thank you.