What a good idea to let the baby choose coconut oil by herself!
Maybe a couple of baby bottles, each with a drop or two of things you want to try, and a little water, would be a good idea...letting her help herself.
Do you know any midwives? Maybe one of them could recognize what is needed.
Please don't be overly concerned at what I'm going to say.
A long time ago I saw a little article in the back of the newspaper that said 6 new mothers, in hospital, were not allowed to nurse their babies because of the DDT in their breast milk.
We live in an orchard area, and DDT was sprayed here decades ago. Apparently the women had consumed or breathed some, and it had accumulated in their breasts.
Has your milk been tested?
That may give you a clue.
I mention this only because I don't know what doctors do to test breast milk these days.
I also think most doctors would NOT wait if the baby had dark circles under the eyes or unusual stools like this.
Get another doctor's opinion! Or, two!!!
Make a lot of noise!
Be like a momma bear!
But keep smiling at your baby. Your love is the best medicine. Be delighted with her, and show it!
Babies fall in love with their parents/caretakers...it's one of the first things they do.
And this is NOT just my opinion...I learned it from an expert.
Your baby sees the delight in your eyes and responds. She feels your warmth and confidence.
One lady had too many children to hold her newborn. No time. So her very wise doctor put the babe in a backpack so momma could carry her a lot. The baby perked right up.
Sometimes the old-fashioned ways work best.
Ask the grandmothers in your neighborhood.
You can do this. You are a fine mother, Poliena. You care.
Much love,