Is iodine good on open wounds - both past the skin layer or not? I know Cayenne is very good for them. I'm using cayenne now, but I also have Sodium Iodide, which I know is an excellent antimicrobial, and I'm wondering if I can put some on my wound, or any in the future that might be worse?
I have to imagine it would be ok to a point, say adding more than 10 drops to tissue wound might be putting too much iodine in your body at one time, but maybe 10 drops on a large skin wound would be ok...? how bout 20 drops for large wounds spread with a swab ... - but then again, this would only last for so long as a topical treatment and would need to be repeated probably multiples times per day to be very effective, thereby summing a toxic dose...??
Also, I was curious if Cayenne pepper (180,000hu) has any antimicrobial effect?
Thanks so much !!