johny apple bomb
Hi there, I recently got my zapper from Klemens, I have used a pinch of
Sea Salt in filtered water on the cotton wraps, and I notice it itches quite a bit, I can feel tingling, but no throbbing, I got them over the arteries best I can, I get a bit of rash afterwards, is this normal? or should it throb and leave no rashs
A little irritation is normal.
Things that cause itching with electrodes.
1 Your system is acidic so you need to eat alkalizing foods. Baking soda helps to alkalize. Water melon, etc.
2 Your using to much liquid and it is spreading the voltage across the skin instead of into the wrist.
3 You need to switch wrists each time to give the wrists more time to heal.
4 Silver electrodes seem to be easier on the wrists than copper.
5 I think Sota claims they have a circuit in their unit that cuts down on this problem.