Addition-apparently if you do not put any HEALTH claims on your website then Health Canada will leave you alone..
Also on EBAy you can get
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for $9.95 US per bottle;also their labelling is "water purification" which in essence is true..
Each week in Canada they are taking off the drugstore shelves dozens of different natural supplements-be it herbs,vitamins etc..
Also many of the remaining products sold by same company in US/Canada-they have to formulate it differently when they ship it to Canada-they leave out certain ingredients or downgrade the potency amount etc..(thi confirmed to me by a naturopath)
And for example COQ-10, you can get it in Canada but:
1-you must specifically demand it from the pharmacist who may or may not give it to you(they also take down your name,address etc..)
2-this product is hidden behind te4 shelves-in the lab(!) section where the pharmacists prepare their prescriiptions..
3-dosage is much weaker in Canada than in the US..
4-prices is 2-3 times or more than that of the US.
Conclusion- Although the infamous Bills C51 and C-52 died in Parliament on account of the ongoing general elections the government is still going ahesd full tilt and acting as if the law was already passed
They have continued to hire dozens of biochemists,botanists techncians,electronic engineers(hey them zappers are dangerous..),nutritionists etc.. etc to really go after all natural products-when the elections are over more so if the Conservatives have a majority which looks like it..(election date Oct 14th..)
Guess,what US citizems,you are next.As for the bought and paid media they are incensing the Conservatives and fostering the idea of a good majority Conservative government.
Next to zero mention is made of Bill C-51,52 by all the competing parties:Conservatives,Liberals,Bloquistes(regionalists-(centrists) separatists),New Democratic Prty(socialists),Green Party
The only 2 parties making a fuss about it are The Marijuana Party and the Canadian Action Party which have zero chances of electing any candidates at all..
The media does mention the Green Party which is essentially a creation of the big foundations(Ford,Rockfeller,etc..)