I just completed my 3rd Liver Flush and this is the first time I've experienced burning during elimination. I'm doing Dr. Clark's formula and have been very successful and also I did it the same way each time. Maybe since this is the 3rd one, more things are happening??? Any ideas?
I remember my third flush was my hardest flush. I believe, in my case, the oldest stones were being passed then and I had the most discomfort with that flush. I guess they weren't giving up without a fight.....
I had burning after the second and third flush but not the first one. Maybe our bowels are just cleaner so they are more sensitive? Or maybe the liver has stronger\healthier bile in it so it's burning us more?
Thanks for your comments!!! It's always good to know you're not alone with this. I was thinking that the bile contains acid or some chemical that results in that burning reaction on the skin particularly if not many stones are being eliminated but mostly chaff and the liquid which is what happened on this 3rd flush for me.