As I read the messages on this board, many of you are well aware of our problems. Not all of our elected republicans are true conservatives. The first thing we should do is educate ourselves about the principles of conservatism. Read the Constitution of the United States and you will see that our founding fathers actually stood for limited government. Ever wonder why our liberal education system doesn't teach the youth of America about the principles in our constitution?
I don't care about what this president or that president has done or failed to do. Let's get away from accusations and start delving into principles. The second thing to do is start paying attention to what is going on locally so we can promote those who stand up for our ideals. One of them might one day become our new president.
I have no problem if any of you are socialists. I just have a problem if you think that the US should be a socialist country. When you vote for a socialist in the US, you dishonor all those who have fought for our freedoms. I think all socialists in the US should take a much vacation time as they can and visit socialist countries abroad. Then come back and tell us if they still think those societies are great. It's common sense.
When you can find the word "conservtive" anywhere in the constitution please get back to me.
The term "conservative" is derived from the idea of conserving the principles in the document. The founding fathers were for a limited government. There is one part were it says that congress is required to meet once a year. Once a year!!! That is a foreign concept today. They understood that it is the people that make the country work.
Also read article 1, section 8 where it describes the militia. I have heard liberals describe the militia as the national guard. The national guard wasn't around until some 100 years later.
I have also seen some antidotal evidence in the Constitution that our founding fathers had Christian beliefs.
When you can find the word "conservtive" anywhere in the constitution please get back to me.
I can also challenge you to find the word "liberal" or "progressive" in the constitution.