I posted earlier but got one response. I really need input.
For the past 3 months I have had migratory stabbing/burning and pulsating pains. Sometimes it feels like my ankle is going to snap or other times I get deep pains in my fingers-the pain moves around daily. At the onset of this I noticed EXTREME joint cracking, now I have muscle twitches everywhere non stop-I feel like a popcorn machine. On and off I get stomach cramps.
I have had MRIS bone scans scopes nerve tests blood tests-all clear, though lyme is questionable.
I have noticed little dry patches under my arm pits and under my upper arm and have been breaking out some. I also think I have a yeast infection, going to GYN Fri for somethign else so will check.
Does this sound like candida? Does anyone else have this pain, cracking and twitch issue?
What kind of test do I order to confirm if I have this?