paint lady
I didn't realise that I was having gallbladder attacks till I found this website. Just knew that I would suddenly have sever double over, break out in a cold sweat, think your going to die pain. I thought I was having an allergic reaction to something I had eaten since the only thing in common was that almost every time I had eaten out somewhere. Never went to the doctor because at first they would pass within 15 minutes or so and they were infrequent. Maybe 4 times the first year. They were becomeing more frequent and lasting longer but I knew they would pass if I toughed it out. Each time just as I was about to give up and go to the hospital they would abate. So I was spending my time trying to figure out what was causing the "allergy" instead of looking for a solution to gallstones.
Thank goodness for this website and the people who have shared on it!!! You have probably saved me from ending up with an operation.
Take care,