Q: Okay now to American politics. Barack Obama. Is he a light being that is pretending to serve illuminate interests so that he can get into power and then show himself as a force for good?
ADAMU: I prefer at this time to take a perspective that is of unitary consciousness. I prefer to tell the tale of “we are all ONE” and that light and dark are momentary choices with which we dabble to make the game work. I’d prefer you all see that you all have both light and dark within you. But you ARE still in the game and so these things seem like inapplicable philosophy to many of you. And then you want to know the score on the light-vs-dark game again.
So to the question of Barack Obama. I will not judge or pontificate over another being. I will not make declarations about how that being should act or choose. So I will not issue judgements about Barack Obama nor about how people should vote in America. To get embroiled in such issues is to miss the point. I think the entire system has become one in which people giving their power away to other people who then clearly do not serve their interests. Given how the system is flawed and manipulated to what degree do you think it matters who you vote for? Do you think this will be the “man in power” after the vote is in? Do you think his thoughts and opinions will count for much? I say you should find your own personal power over yourself… master yourself and then see how the whole question of politics becomes irrelevant to you.
The presidential election and everything involved in it is entertainment and nothing more. It is meant to keep the American people from thinking about the real issues. And the outcome is irrelevant. It changes nothing. It’s very like that other thing Americans like to watch: Super Bowl football. Many Americans will act as if the outcome of who wins this is vital to their future well-being. As if it is really important. But nothing actually changes no matter who wins. It is exactly the same with your presidential elections. A new face is presented and it is made to seem as if there are policy shifts but these are surface and minor. All that really changes is that those behind the scenes manipulate for more and more power. And you will not reverse this trend by picking the right candidate. If the “right” candidate tried to fight back that person would be made to look like a traitor and a criminal. They would be destroyed in the minds of the people. Or assassinated. Or both. If you want change find it within yourself. Forget politics. It is all a sham for the entertainment of the masses.
[i]Okay. Thanks Adamu. I’m not sure how popular these thoughts will be! [i]
ADAMU: They are not meant to be popular. The majority of the population of the planet are enthralled by the game. They are deeply mesmerised by the illusion. It is meant to be so. If the game were not compelling it would not work. And so only a few will surface and awaken of themselves.
(The October Surprise?) Of course this will soon change. The appearance of the light-ship I have mentioned is one of the radical measures we are undertaking to help things along. But that begins another long conversation. Instead I will wish you love and happiness until we talk again.
[i] Thanks Adamu. Love and happiness to you too! [i]