Fannie Obama & Freddie Rekzo
Three years ago John McCain with senators, Charles Hagel, Elizabeth Dole and John Sununu sponsored Senate Bill S-109, also known as the Federal Housing Regulatory Reform Act of 2005.
Why this all matters is Mr. McCain with other Republicans on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban affairs committee were noting warning signals that the massive influx of funds pouring into the housing market were doing so without restrictions and that in time a massive bubble was being created of debt which would implode.
That bubble burst last year and that debt is now the focus of Wall Street debt institutions imploding.
Three names came up in blocking S-109 and they are Chris Dodd, now attempting an even more massive bailout than even has been suggested, Hillary Clinton who is rightfully so hiding from this catastrophe and a very vocal member of the Senate, America has been hearing a great deal from lately on this and other subjects in Barack Hussein Obama.
Yes Mr. Obama which this deliberate economic attack has helped in the polls is the very reason this massive implosion is taking place and the reasons Democrats are pushing hard to dump almost a trillion dollars into this mess to try and cover up the shell game they were a part of.
To add one more name in Democrat, Barney Frank, is fitting as when red lights were screaming out that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were committing fraud in deliberate bookkeeping violations, Congressman Frank, the point man now showing up on programs as an expert for Charlie Rose on PBS told the two debt giants that accounts did not matter and they had the pull in Congress to keep the money debt flowing, so they were not to be concerned about any Congressional oversight.
All of this started in Chicago for Barack Obama in his early training where Tony Rezko, the Syrian was part of the William Ayers Chicago reshaping of the South Side by Arabs. The reshaping was Rezko implementing substandard housing for blacks for the looting of their poverty in which Barack Obama received tens of thousands of dollars and as many votes from black people in exchange for the slum lord title he and his cronies enslaved the people of Chicago.
Barack Obama with that early training graduated to the national slum lord mafia preying on American poor, black, white, brown and yellow skinned
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