According to 58008, voting on principle for anyone except the hand-picked puppets of the Republican and Democrat Parties is a copout and road to nowhere. Sad isn't it?
Ron Paul won virtually every televised debate, had the best overall record in all the straw polls, and had huge internet support but he was totally trivialized by the mainstream media.
When he polled over twice what was predicted and gained huge exposure due to setting a one day fundraising record, what happened next? He went into New Hampshire on a roll with a ton of publicity, full page ad in USA today and a huge network of volunteers, as well as a message that should resonate with the voters there as much as any state. Yet the diebold voting machine results gave him only a fraction of what was expected and when families in precincts that showed no votes for Ron Paul came forth to say they voted for him and something was fishy, the ballot boxes were found to have been tampered with to make verification impossible.
End of the Ron Paul campaign, mission accomplished.
Who knows if he could have won the nomination or the race? He was the only non-controlled candidate and he never had a chance.
Maybe instead of undressing ol' McCain 2008, we should be taking a peek at your own changed stripes from back when you were posting messages like this one about Ron Paul:
Your assessment of R Paul shows you how wrong you really are! The people finally have a chance to have a real American instead of some globalist swine for a president but msm has all you libs conned into nothing more then statis quo lapdogs! Oh thats right liberals hate America! Mao lives hoo hoo hoo!:
And when it comes to your new hero McCain, let's take a look at the thread posted by Ohfor07 about McCain being the worst candidate in history
I posted this in that same thread
I wouldn't vote for McTraitor, Hillary or Obama even against Satan and Bin Laden...
and YOU replied
I agree DQ if Ben Laden was alive and running I would prefer him to any of the three stooges! He couldnt be any worse! Satan, well I thought he was already running things!
Oh consistency, wherefor art thou?
What I have is consistency and what I pointed out was merely where you have lacked it in your messages about Ron Paul and McCain. I have never supported Obama and have consistently supported Ron Paul - though now I merely support his message as he is no longer a candidate. As we once agreed, the race is merely a charade and the puppets we have as candidates all answer to the same people when you get to the end of their strings.
The ONLY person I ever actually requested be banned was Corinthian - and only after he repeatedly made slanderous posts that erroneously stated that my advice had killed people and then came to my own forum here and not only repeated his attack but also added a wish that I get cancer and die. Maybe you are willing to put up with that, but I am not.
If you consider it a "typical liberal thing" to do to expose rules breakers who violate the Curezone TOS with their attacks and multiple IDs then so be it. I call it respecting the rules of the website I am a guest of and having the guts and integrity to stand up for what is right.
You are being silly and petulant. I simply fail to understand why you changed your previous tune about RP. McC and the threat of the NWO and became so embroiled in a dog and pony show election.
Insofar as me threatening anyone, warning other members such as AC about violating TOS is not the same as threatening them - it is actually the appropriate thing to do for someone who is a moderator and who cares about the rules of this forum.
I have no fuss with you nor will I get into a conflict with you.
Bullcrap - it is an election that means little and you know it. You just get a kick out of liberal bashing.
Here is what another candidate for president, Chuck Baldwin, had to say about your new darling. At one time, this guy would have been your man before you changed you stripes:
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
March 25, 2008
I think it is time that we all stood up and gave the Republican Party a big round of applause. I mean, they have done us all a huge favor. By an overwhelming majority, the GOP has prevented a potential plague from enveloping these United States of America, and I think it is time that we acknowledged it. Yes, the GOP stopped a potential catastrophe. Without the combined efforts of millions of Republicans, there is no telling what kind of disaster might have ensued. Let's hear it for the GOP! Hip Hip Hooray!
For a few minutes there, I thought the GOP might have lost its mind, but I am glad to report that all is well with the Republican Party. The international bankers and oil companies, and the military-industrial complex, as well as the presidents of Mexico and Canada, can breathe easy. With John McCain as the presumptive Republican nominee, the globalist power brokers who have dominated the last three Presidential administrations can know that they are still in charge. There will be no changing of the guard this November.
It was scary there for a while. You see, there was this kook who was running for the Republican nomination that had the potential to upset the applecart real good. But thankfully, the fine people within the GOP rose to the occasion and beat back the attempts of his nutty supporters to vault him to the nomination.
After all, just think what would have taken place if this kook Ron Paul had won the Republican nomination for President. This nut case actually believes that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Imagine that. That means he would never take America to war except with a Declaration of War by Congress. Think how such a thing would prevent America's meddling and interventionism worldwide. Think of the billions and even trillions of tax dollars that would not need to be spent overseas. Think of how much money Halliburton would lose. Think of how much money the Federal Reserve bankers would lose by not being able to loan money to the U.S. government. It is too ghastly to think about.
Furthermore, this Ron Paul nut might have actually insisted that the federal government declare unborn babies to be "persons" under the law. Think of it. This would mean that every unborn baby would have the immediate protection of law. And this would have happened without the necessity of appointing a single Supreme Court justice. Whew! The Republican Party dodged a bullet on that one. Now they can continue to talk about being "pro-life" for the next thirty years in order to fool Christian conservatives into voting for them without having to actually do anything about it.
This Ron Paul kook would also have put a stop to the incessant spying on the American people by their own federal government. Egad! This Paul character would have set America back two hundred years. Think of it. No more illegal wiretaps. No more reading private emails, letters, and telegrams. No more harassment by the BATFE of law-abiding firearms dealers for honest errors in paperwork. No more using the wars on "terror" and "drugs" to violate the Fourth Amendment. Think of the money that would be lost by the feds not confiscating the private property of the American people.
In addition, if this Ron Paul nut had actually become President, he might have succeeded in abolishing the Internal Revenue Service and overturning the Sixteenth Amendment. Holy Horrors! Can you imagine the tragedy that would have ensued? No more income taxes. No more tax forms to fill out. No more IRS agents arresting hard-working citizens for "tax evasion." No more government tracking of our private financial transactions. Think of the US attorneys whose services would no longer be necessary. Imagine that. The federal government would actually be required to live within its means; it could no longer raise taxes, because there would be no more taxes to raise.
And if all of the above is not bad enough, this Ron Paul kook would actually demand that the federal government obey the Tenth Amendment. This, all by itself, would reduce the size and scope of the federal government by at least fifty percent. Imagine if the American people suddenly had the federal government out of their pocketbooks and off their backs? What would they do with all that newfound freedom? It is too scary to contemplate.
Do not worry, however. Thanks to the fine men and women of the Republican Party, John McCain will carry their standard into the November elections. Yes, my dear friends, David Rockefeller and his fellow travelers at the Council on Foreign Relations can rest easy. Should McCain win the general election, they will retain their influence in the White House. Indeed, we can all rest easier knowing that John McCain will be the Republican nominee for President.
After all, John McCain will see to it that our borders and ports remain open to illegal aliens. In fact, a McCain Presidency will ensure that illegal aliens become permanent U.S. citizens. Or better yet, that the U.S. and Mexico will be merged into a North American Community, thus eliminating the need for U.S. citizenship altogether. This will greatly help the Chamber of Commerce and Big Business. Think of the money they can save by hiring cheap Mexican labor. Think of the plants and factories that can be moved to Mexico. Think of the cheap Chinese goods that can be loaded onto Mexican trucks from Mexican ports and shipped into the United States on the NAFTA superhighways.
And did I mention the advantage a John McCain Presidency will provide to incumbents in future elections? Because John McCain does not believe in the U.S. Constitution, the First Amendment means nothing to him. This is good, because he can use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to promote his McCain/Feingold bill that would make it illegal for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions regarding the voting records of incumbents during a general election. That means those sinister organizations such as the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America will no longer be able to publicly promote their views regarding the anti-Second Amendment voting records of congressmen and senators.
That Ron Paul kook would never have tolerated such a law as McCain/Feingold. But thanks to the fine men and women of the Republican Party, we do not need to worry about these little inconveniences such as the First and Second Amendments (or any of the other articles within the Bill of Rights, for that matter), because they wisely selected John McCain to be their standard-bearer.
Furthermore, because the good men and women of the GOP decided to nominate John McCain, we can look forward to one hundred years of war in the Middle East. We can all anticipate the opportunity of sending our troops into harm's way all over the world to promote the interests of international corporations, nation-building, and other U.N. machinations.
I understand how you feel. It is similar to the way most of the rest of the world outside CZ feels about mainstream medicine - generations of brainwashing have been very effective. When you get a chance, Google "New World Order", plus any of the following together: "Bilderburg Meetings", "Rothschilds", "J P Morgan", "Oppenheimer", "Council on Foreign Relations", "Trilateral Commission", "Kissinger", "Brezinksi", "Secret Societies", "Shadow Government" and even "Illuminati" and see what you come up with. Therein, amongst some admittedly wild speculation and misdirection, lies the key to who controls most of what we think is reality today.
For the short term, most folks like yourself may be better off voting Democrat if you have to choose because there will be diffences in policies and agendas (even if the same ultimate goal is the same) - but I won't. Obama scares me and I refuse to be spoon fed candidates in a process that has become mostly a charade.