Hi everyone,
Back in May, Dr. Detlef Werner wrote for my blog the "English Summary and Advice for Doctors/Patients" of his original paper published last year, [Trimethylaminuria (fish-odour syndrome)-- hints for a new therapeutic option with desmopressin]. This is a case study of a young boy who was treated with desmopressin for an ailment he was experiencing, and his mother noted that his fishy body odor temporarily completely disappeared under this therapy... http://mpdela.blogspot.com/2008/05/email-from-dr-werner-author-of-recent.html
I have now posted a translation from German into English of the actual paper for your perusal. http://mpdela.blogspot.com/2008/09/tmau-hints-for-new-therapeutic-option.html
Our most sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Werner for his invaluable contribution to our quest for a cure.