Hi Ya'll,
May I Quote what Cerph commented to me in a post: Perhaps being the leader of this group has given you a sense of grandiosity and arrogance you may not be aware of?
Answer: I want 1st to Thank Cerph for making this comment !
We all have walked Different footsteps in our Life, thus each person may see things Differently from their vantage point?
It is True that each person has problems with getting a Big Head and I also have to Deal with this problem from time to time !
This comment from Cerph reminded me of a younger friend of mine more than 20 years ago whom we came to part company because of Different beliefs !
This younger friend and I were friends to another person whom was older and very Wise to the point that my friend became, may we say put off by this other Wise friend !
This older Wiser friend had walked more footsteps than either of us and also had asked his Creator -God- for Wisdom and God had given him Great Wisdom beyond either of us !
Because of this Great Wisdom this older friend had obtained, when he would say certain things that sometimes were not easy to understand the Depth of what he was trying to get us to understand ! Because of this, my younger friend let his Pride get in his way and he began to view the older wiser friend from a Negative view point !
Thus when my younger friend let his Pride and Vanity get too Big in his Head he made some Bad choices, which ended up with me rebuking him for his choices and we parted ways, but have talked with each other a few times since then after his Bad choices Cost him Financially etc !
When we let our Pride and Vanity get in our way and Cause us to start viewing others from a Negative view point, this generaly comes back to bite -US- in our Butt !
The problem that a Wise man has is trying to figure out how to not say too much and or say things in a way that others will not take what is being said as Grandiosity & Arrogance !
What do I mean by this?
When a person is given Great Wisdom, they cannot share this with most folks, because most folks cannot absorb the info, or if the info is given, many will think the Wise man is Crazy and Full of it, because Surely what he has revealed cannot be True, or the Doctors etc would have already told us?
Thus much of what I began sharing was New info above most folks heads so High that I was Bashed and Ridiculed and called all kinds of names and told I was too Grandiosity and had too much Arrogance etc !
This still goes on, but now that there have been many folks helped because of these New ideas of the Acid/Alkaline pH Balancing Principles as may be seen in the many Success testimonials -Following- this Link:
It does not happen as often as in the beginning !
Yet, I will Freely admit that I do have a problem with these problems and have to fight against them each day and some days they may get the Better of me, the same as every other person faces these problems?
What may make it look like I have a Bigger problem than the person reminding me, may be that I am the Teacher and they trying to be the student or maybe they are trying to be the teacher and have not been given this position and are Jealous of their Lack of understanding on the subject?
Anyway Pride comes before Fall and none of us should think too Highly of ourself, including me !
What is a person to do?
What has helped me the most is this Wise friend of mine shared with me years ago a very Important Truth ! This -Truth- has to do with understanding that when -WE- are having a problem we cannot Solve that -WE- need to understand that -WE- have become Deceived with a Lie and False info, which is what is preventing US from Solving our problem !
Once we admit to ourself that we have become Deceived with False info and are willing to look to ideas opposite of where we are presently thinking, then we may generally find the Truth we need to learn to Solve our problems facing us !
This may be WHY I keep bringing it up to folks who come on this forum asking for help, all the while trying to convince themself they are eating Healthy and are not really Sick, yet they are Full of Sickness and Disease and when I remind them about this problem, most folks have a Hissy fit because they are Un-willing to be Honest even with themself ! Thus most folks will continue down the wide road of Death because their Pride gets the best of them and they are Un-willing to face the Truth and will continue to Deny the Truth !
This then sets me up by some to be viewed as being full of Grandiosity & Arrogance?
The problem is tho that I am able to sleep Good a nite while many folks who let their Pride get the Best of them cause them to stay in Sickness and Disease !
It would be wiser for one Seeking help to not let their Pride get in their way and to look for what may help them overcome their problems and ignore what may otherwise cause them to consider my method of delivery Less than satisfactory in their own eyes !
After all, I am not knocking on "Your" door, "You" are comming into my House and asking questions !
How would "You" expect someone who came into your house Seeking help from you to treat you in your own house?
How many never even considered this angle of the equation whom have tried to Judge me and the way I keep my house?
Remember, I am not charging for the Free info I am Freely sharing that has helped so many folks learn healing of their own Sickness and Diseases as may be found in the many Success Testimonials -Following- this Link:
Even a Dog does not bite the hand of it's master who feeds it !
WHY do some folks lower themself Lower than a Dog?
Remember the folks Freely sharing info to help those asking for help are -NOT- being Paid for this help and are Freely giving their Time because they have Benefited from these Free ideas and have been willing to learn Personal Responsibility to learn Healing for their own self !
What I said !
What I ment to say !
What I thought I said !
What you heard !
What you thought you heard !
What You wanted to hear !
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.