I'm not an athiest, though i don't subscribe to any of the prevailing world religions. After all these years of studying many and even practicing a few of the world religions, I have to admit that I only know that I don't know.
But like yourself I do believe strongly in the natural order, our place in it, and our mission to save ourselves and the ecosystem that we're part and parcel of. I think being so connected to our source of nourishment as raw foodies are, there can't help but be a sense of intelligent design to the universe.
Personally I believe organized religion arose to sell people a quick solution (snake oil) to assuage our innate anxieties of impermanence, suffering, and fear of living a transient and meaningless life.
Worried about dying? Worried that there's no meaning whatsoever to your life? Or about living in a world who's laws are harsh, irreversable, final and indifferent to your basic needs and suffering? Have we got an easy answer for you - given to us directly by God by the way. But he'll need a cash donation and who he is varies dramatically religion by religion.
However all that being said, in my own practicing of various eastern spiritual disciplines or religions, there clearly ARE more profound states of being, understanding and union that are available to us. But you can't just pay dues or profess a belief to achieve them. You have to open your eyes, heart and intellect and be a real seeker.
Just like raw foods, being an independant thinker and seeker is outside of the norm, and takes more time, effort, and dedication. But also like raw foods, the rewards are most often hugely satisfying and genuine.