I still remember right after 9/11 when the world united for a little while. Why does it take something bigger than us to bring about this change? Forgetfulness?
A conditioned forgetfulness...
I would say that man has been taught and conditioned to close himself off... to repress his openness to others... he has been taught to forget the joy in being a loving being.
The world is one, everyone is living together ... but because man has a mind that is good at analyzing, dissecting, dividing this world up into two seemingly opposite polarities... this world becomes undone, falls into fragments... everyone appears separate and unrelated...
There are two centers that exist within man. one center is that of reason and logic. it is what runs the outside world... to be ambitious, competitive... to be good at calculating and planning. Science depends on it. This has become especially prevalent in the West, in America. Society has rewarded its members for being good at using his reasoning center to the extreme. To be cut throat in business, for being the head of the class... the first to cross the finish line... to be the only one on top of the mountain.... And one sits up there alone on that mountain peak.
The other center that man has within him is the center of compassion and love... it is the heart center... society does not reward its members for loving oneself... for loving each other. It is the center that is not used as much as the center of logic and reason. In fact the logical mind has placed this heart center at a lower status. Love is postponed so that one can develop a career for oneself. One will appear to be outwardly rich. But what is also developed is an inner poverty.
The heart center is repressed to allow the reasoning center to be overused. Love is lost. And insanity found everywhere. That is why when some tragedy occurs, it provides an opportunity for the heart center to function again, to express itself. Sharing and compassion abound. It lasts for a short while, but soon old habits of society reassert themselves and it is back to the world as usual. Old habits are hard to break. And man is a creature of habit. Society survives at the cost of man functioning with a loving heart.
It is a matter of trust. If you have a doubting mind, you create a world of doubt, sadness, darkness, depression. If you move from the heart, you create a world that is trusting, joyful, compassionate and loving. When more and more members of society start functioning from the heart center on a consistent basis, then another world will begin being created. When the heart starts functioning, you will have a different world around you - because you create your world.
-*- turiya