John McCain 2008
Barack couldn't either. We all know that these two people are in way over their heads in this deal. I believe Sarah is a better person than Obama. If I had to lay money down who the clearer thinker was, who had more real world common sense...I'd bet the house on Sarah Palin. John McCain has so much experience in real world politics that it isn't even close, he's the hands-down winner. Obama is so unqualified that it borders on criminal to offer him up. Palin doesn't know what Dick Cheney knows. These are two people being used for their blackness and their female status. This is what America gets for brainwashing the folks over decades that it doesn't matter as long as everybody gets their chance. You get this. Affirmative Action presidential candidates. I'm not surprised. Sarah Palin wouldn't have been chosen if Hillary was chosen by Obama, we all know that. Obama hasn't done anything. Hillary hasn't done anything, really, if you want to be honest with yourself. Palin has done some, not a whole lot. McCain has done a whole lot as has Biden. America has allowed this to happen and deserves whatever happens, good or bad.