I'm so sorry you feel so terrible. Please listen to your body over everything else.
Just to give you some other information, the half life for the chlorites that remain in your system have a half-life of approximately 48 hours. That means that it will take 2 days for half of the chemicals to leave your system. It will then take another 48 hours for half of that, or one-quarter of the total to leave your system and so on.
The ClO2 doesn't take much time at all, but the residue takes a long time.
I would agree that you should not take any amount of mms that makes you even a little sick. This is much more dangerous as I'm sure you're aware you're dehydrated by now.
You should try to get some probiotics in your system. Taking mms kills the good gut bacteria. It is not selective, it kills everything when it hits your gut.
"Going up too fast" is not your fault. ClO2 is not meant to be orally ingested, at all.
If the diareah continues much longer, I hope you go to the doctor. It can cause many problems. Also getting fluids, for example via IV, will make you feel better much faster.
I hope you consider whether or not you should take mms at all in the future. I don't want you to suffer major damage.
I hope you are feeling better. Please take care of yourself.