I am increasingly seeing sex as a primitive urge that gets in the way of a lot of what life is about and I don't want a distraction to take up so much time in my day, a distraction that results in no "conclusion" and misdirected energy 99.999% of the time. I have a healthy desire for sex but I don't see it as healthy living because I have lived long enough to see how much time and energy I have spent my whole life lusting after people who I never even touched and just thinking about sex in general. I do not think I am really different from other people. Sex drives marketing, drives people, but it is mostly a dead end. I don't want to totally eliminate sex from my life, just perhaps turn it off periodically or turn it down so I can focus on life and things that will improve myself.
It's like the drive for food, food allows life, but the enjoyment of food should fall way way below the importance of healthy diet. The purpose of food is to live, the purpose of sex is to reproduce to let others live. To live for sex or have sex as the primary reason for a relationship is to me, a wasted and shallow life. Of the people I have known, the ones that were most focused on sex had more problems and lack of fulfillment in other areas of life. I have known people who were so much defined by sex that they didn't know anything else, meanwhile they were bogged down with every problem you can imagine that sex can bring. Sex can truly make people insane when it becomes too big a part in life.
Women spend a huge portion of their time trying to attract sexual attention and men spend that amount of time giving sexual attention. Most people have 2.5 kids, or 2.5 functional intercourses. The average modern human spends a huge portion of their whole life focused on sex. Do the math, functionally it doesn't add up well.
I am not saying that sex should always lead to procreation, but sex is increasingly a distraction from more important things in life. Maybe there is a reason why animals go into heat and only have sex during certain seasons. The rest of the year they can focus on more fulfilling obligations like survival. There's a reason why monks castrate themselves. Not saying I want to go that route...