Reguarding Morgellon Fibers:
They are clearly nanotech because of the complex sub-micron filament structure, the associated biological components, and the fact there is ABSOLUTELY NO MATCH to known pathogens or synthetic materials.
I mean, anyone looking at the monstrous bifurcated fibers staring back at you from the cup will realize something is very wrong. Go ahead and put it under the microscope, I promise the "nanotech" claim will stand up to scrutiny. ;)
Sub-micron replicating fractal structure = biological or nano-techHowever, we do know this:
1) The fibers evolved from the mouth have HIGH degree of structural similarity to the fibers found in chemtrails samples. That is they both have a bounding filament and sub-micron filament structure. That alone is enough to give us pause, regardless of the eventual 'source'. But these two traits are identical between chemtrails aerosol fibers and the mouth fibers.
2) The fibers are NOT NORMAL, aka. they are pathogens and do not belong in any healthy human. I have confirmed they are not 'supercoiled DNA' or any other disinformation nonsense that has been circulated. These fact remains that these fibers are pathogens, whether they are man-made or natural infection. However the fact that EVERYONE is positive constitutes a 'silent epidemic'.
3) We have had hundreds of dead microbiologists since the early 1980s, often centered around 'Marconi', now known as BAE. Why so many dead microbiologists associated with aircraft control systems?
March 1982: Professor Keith Bowden, 46 --Expertise: Computer programmer and scientist at Essex University engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as an expert on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft. --Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash when his vehicle went out of control across a dual carriageway and plunged onto a disused railway line. Police maintained he had been drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation. --Coroner's verdict: Accident.
Now let's examine this 'silent epidemic' in light of the fact that NIH, CDC, FDA, US Airforce, US Senate, etc all have been contacted over the past decade regarding aerosol spraying, blood anomalies, Morgellons, mouth fibers, etc and have responded with active denial and disinformation. As far as I'm concerned, this implicates these officials in this epidemic, either knowingly or unknowingly. (probably a mix of both depending on the government 'official' in question, and whether they are an Illuminist).
So yes you are right we don't have 'proof' that this is an exclusive aerosol vector, but there is tons of evidence suggesting this is the case. I will also go on record saying I think there is more than one vector. Other possible disease vectors besides aerosol spraying include
1) weaponized vaccinations
2) GMO food
3) 'unknown unknowns'