(An article from a website supporting Ron Paul).
Ah, the McCain campaign is rife with the stench and manure of hypocrisy and lies…Sarah Palin has just tried to cover up the fact that it was her sixteen year old daughter that gave birth to her last alleged child by claiming her daughter is pregnant yet again. However, if one goes to the Daily KOs article that broke the story, we see that Sarah Palin in no way at any time during the alleged course of her pregnancy gives any signs of being pregnant, yet her daughter gained a progressively larger belly in the same time frame and was pulled from school for “mono” for 4-5 months conspicuosly right before the child’s birth.
Thus, regardless if the first child is Sarah Palin’s child or not, the two possibilities and her subsequent explanation present a damning picture of her moral and ethical underpinnings either which way. If she is lying about the mother of this child (which all the evidence points to) then she is a liar, a fraud, and a cover up artist (the perfect candidate for a GOP hijacked by Neoconservative brownshirt Nazis). However, if we are to believe the spectacular tale that after her water broke she traveled more than nine hours on a plane flight back to Alaska to skip the most modern neonatal care unit in Anchorage to drive an hour to a remote village where she was mayor to deliver the child (which gives no record of the the child’s birth), then she is criminally negligent at the least…the “vaginal muscles of a gladiator” indeed.
What is even more disgusting is the presstitute coverage today of the Sarah Palin fiasco giving highly apologetic coverage to the fact the Palins are claiming their daughter is pregnant yet again to cover up the first baby fiasco.
I believe the same fawning corporate media just a little while ago was damning John Edwards’ affair as potentially devastating the Democrats’ chances, but remains highly apologetic of Sarah Palin’s lies and distortions in the above article. A quote from a Salon article states this hypocrisy of the media over the Edwards and Palin situation the best, “What’s galling is this: When the subject is a pregnancy to an unwed, minority teenage mother growing up in some (presumably Democratic) urban area, that pregnancy becomes fodder for lectures from conservatives about bad parenting, the perils of welfare spending and so on. But when the subject is a pregnancy to an unwed, white teenager from some small town in a Republican state, that pregnancy is…a celebration of the wonders of God’s magnificence–and choosing life!” Well, this discrepancy in coverage by our bottom-barrel corporate hydra whore media should come as no surprise as the ascendancy of the Bush clan definitively demonstrates the NWO loves fascists (or rather genocidal chickenhawks and chickenshits) as an easier means to control America post-WWII. I believe Dante said something about hypocrites having their own special place in the lower circles of the inferno. Lets contact as many Romney and Huckabee delegates as possible to force a brokered convention and put Paul’s name on the floor in successive votes (if the GOP brownshirts are even going to allow a convention instead of a coronation under the guise of Gustav as the week progresses).
” He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual.”
-Thomas Jefferson