its not really something to bother about....
accutane causes a reduction in sebum which in turn reduces inflammation but causes skin dryness.
Psoriasis is rapid cell division and multiplication....praise God its completly different to ours...we thought EC was the same but with ours the lips are so thin that cortisol has damaged it even more...
so as you can see just by looking at your lips, the skin dies so fast because it lacks collagen and has been thinned...its called skin atrophy.
Really this is our chance, forget all the complicated stuff because we could of cured this along time ago but we moved away from the "cortisol theory" to the "estrogen theory" this is a sign from above because we are back at the "cortisol theory" .
both our minds clicked at the same time about the "3 products" and "skin thinning"...
I bought vitamin c drops from holland and barrett today because its probably the best thing for collagen synethesis...
maybe foods and other products can help in skin thinning...but this is the road to the end.