Though this is some unusal thing.I had an hemmoroid surrgery long time ago (though hemmoroids were not painful but the doctor who recommended was of great reputation of integrity and professionalism) .Immediately after the surgery in few weeks I started devloping lots of Gas and the toughest part was difficulty in passing the Gas or Stool from the RHS.Believe it is the worst feeling to have the urge to pass the gas but it got stuck and anal musles are so tight that it is not letting anything to pass other than starining hard or waiting for a long time.Exremely tight anal,pelvic and lower abdomen musles.It was all 24x7.developed prostate and erection,premature ejaculation(physical nature) problem in a month (
Antibiotics help in the beginnig but not anymore).Now this issue is going on lot of years .Over period of years I have developed lot of other health issues like IBS,Colon Polyps and ofcourse Prostrate problems..My advice to everyone is surgery should be considere as an last option for piles.
I was worndering does anyone else has such type of experience .Anyone else has any insight into this.I will appreciate any help in this regard