um.. Iam not in hongkong ms cat LOL I jus did my 41st
Liver-Flush and was sleeping, and little dispointed to see not many stones passed, I prolly dont have any more I guess
Iam not passing stones like I use to
this flush was horrible, I almost thought I was dying, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling super fatigue LOL Iam ok now tho
Iam shocked to see so many replys, Iam not that cute LOL I do appreciate everone giving thoughts thank you
maybe I am not healing fast since I eat a lot of protein, and besides I live alone
so healthy and long time to make food isnt an option. I have to eat alot of protein because I just started body building about 6 months ago and need those protein for my musles
ever since Iam been on
Iodine therapy Iam constantly hungry and struggling to stay at 165 pound Iam only 5'9 so 165 is my ideal weight and been trying to stay at it
my love of junk food will prolly not change untill few years or atleast till I marrie a nutritionist or herbalist LOL
I did cut down alot tho on junk food Iam try not to eat so much BK, Pizza etc and eat alot of home made steak LOL is steake a junk food too?
OMG you guys need to try Korean steak sauce for beef and even with pork like bacon
they are hella good, and very addictive LOL
you can get them from korean super market or asian mart, the beef marinated sauce is made with pear and apple and for pork and chicken they have a different spicy red sauce that you need to marinate them about 30 minutes to any hour before cooking
trust me they hella hella good LOL I cant get enough
um by the way my hair on the picture looks wet because I been wrestling with my friend when I visit his dorm in NY few years back and were sweating a little but now I have a short hair, usually blond or red and sometime brown