When a woman stands up with charisma it transcends politics. The sound on the tv can be turned off and you can still feel it. It comes from a story. A real story. Someone who used her savvy and spirit to rise to the top and someone who actually changed things by making executive decisions.
The world is not a perfect place. Teenagers get pregnant and children with special needs are a reality and sons go off to war. Mothers expecially understand this because they have each experienced their own trials and heart aches. That is the nature of life here on earth. It isn't perfect. Woman undertsand this.
The speech eviscerated her male oppenents and she did it with a smile. Women like this woman! A lot. Not all women voters wear pants suits. Women can relate to her. She transcends politics because she is a woman. The democrats do not understand this at all. They are completely clueless.
The bridge to nowhere means squat but the attacks on her family mean a lot. Woman are seeing and embracing a woman who is strong. They see a woman who is not afraid of making real decisions and voting yes or no-instead of voting 'present'. She is already being seen as a hero. Speaking her mind and standing up to entrenched corruption.
But leave aside the intellectual arguments. Leave aside the differences. These are not relevant. The votes for Palin will be coming in from the women. And they will not care one iota about her positions on things. They want to vindicate Hillary and they have said this quite vocally. Hillary was bitch slapped by the back room democrat elitists and women are going to want payback.
Palin now transcends politics. She connects to women as sisters and mothers and family. Only a woman can really identify with this.
And the question is now officially being posed on tv....Would the democrats have been better off if they had put Hillary on the ticket? WOW! This is huge. Just asking this question is enough to highlight the democratic blunder. They threw away 18 million votes.
Palin's political positions are irrelevant. The pundits do not understand this.
Palin...the woman...transcends politics.