Exactly. You are too logical for the undiscerning delusional followers of marxism. Marxism is anti-family (attacking a mother for having a child with Downs-attacking a mother for having a job) etc. why is this so hard to understand?
If Mr Obama embraced his own family he would not be AFRAID of it. (The way he is AFRAID of women like Gov Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton). Mr Obama did not mention his own brother at his convention speech. The one that lives in a shack. He did not reference his DUI dad who was an alcoholic, a failure, a womanizing, unfaithful, Muslim man who died in a drunken car wreck. In short a man whose family values are the opposite of traditional America values. The media has a black out on this information too. If Obama was a Republican this would be a front page story guaranteed. The liberals completely miss this point and fail to see the blaring bias. Thus logic again takes a back seat.
As the poster said below. We are tired of 8 years of the Bush regime. Their only response is shouting a slogan. (a very marxist strategy) They cannot and will not respond to logic. They just "change" the subject to how they hate Bush (hate American values) Never mind that Bush was elected by a landslide! Why is this so hard to understand?
Patriotic Americans reject the elite socialists who keep dictating emotional nonsense about global warming. Global warming is not man made. This is classic narcissm. It is anti-God. They cannot see that global warming is part of a cycle just like the four seasons. Instead they blame men. So they can institute more laws to control them!
But when you do not believe in God, in Nature, in Cycles you must blame (and control through guilt) mankind. It is narcissim, or me first, that is driving this diabolical tripe. They are so duped these liberals. So naive and emotional. They are emotionalists and easily succumb to slogans about "change" and "hope" and the evils of mankind and America. Factual substance is not in their repertoire. The trap has been set for them because they will not respond to logic and reason.
Marxism is the product of an educational system which does not teach individuality or free thinking. It teaches 'group think'. It fosters class think'. 'Class think' fosters rascism, genderism and fagism. The socialistic school system rejects alternative points of view like Biblical theology. It rejects the Christian foundation of our nation and our system of Law.
Its always emotional and hateful. "We hate Bush". "Get him out". etc The Demoncrats used women to vote for Hillary-and then their true sexist colors came out and they REJECTED her. She had garnered 18 million votes. She absolutely deserved to be the vice presidential half of the ticket. This is so obvious it screams at you. Some women understand this and are livid about it. They are mad as hell. They were used then kicked in the ass by the elitist male chauvinists that run the party in the smoke filled back rooms. But the liberals are asleep and because they lack logic and discernment they can easily be manipulated.
Obama asked Americans to be "their brother's keepers" in his crafty speech. This is classical marxism at best. He wants to remove the rights of parents over the children. This is the state controlling the children. The slogan "it Takes a Village" is classical marxism. It takes a family with values to raise a child. NOT a village. Again it is Marxism 101. Why is this so hard to understand?
Obama wants to murder children that survive an abortion. He is a madman! The marxists dupes continue to support Obama but have no response to the logic of the Death Monger Obama. A death Monger is anti-Life. Why is this so hard to understand?
And instead of responding to the LOGIC of everything said here the socialists will say that the facts presented here are hateful and only support the Bush agenda. There will be no response to this because it cannot logically be supported. It will be shouted down with slogans but nothing rational will come of it. They are blinded by hate, sexism, racism and fagism. Fagism is defined as self love or narcissm as a rejection of God and Love.
Marxism IS anti-Christian! It is anti-God. It is anti-Family. It is anti-America. Why is this so hard to understand?