I only started a fast once and did it for two days. Waiting for a time to get back to it but this time for a longer period.
I was feeling so week the second day but I only understood why later on. According to Dr Christian Tal Shaller who wrote Amaroli books, it was due to the blood
Sugar being too low on the second day of the fast. He suggest to take a tablespoon of honey or a fruit to get the
Sugar back up and continue with the fast.
It is also suggested to prepare yourself for the fast. The fast should not be hard to do if you are well prepared. If you plan on fasting for three days, you prepare yourself three days ahead. You stop eating meat, any junk foods etc. and eat raw vegetables and fruits, juices, nuts, sprouts and all those live foods. If you plan on doing the fast for two weeks, you prepare yourself for two weeks etc... The fast will be easier to start with (urine easier to take) and you will have all those nutrients, enzymes, hormones etc. to recycle. You should feel better.
It is suggested to drink all the urine you pass except the one at night that you keep for massages and enemas. Otherwise you won't have a good night sleep having to go to the bathroom too often. They (authors) recommend enemas every day for the first week and afterwards 2 or three times a week. You should also massage your body. Some authors say that it stops the dizziness. It also nourish you body. They also recommend drinking lots of fresh water. You can download a free ebook written by Dr. G.K. Thakkar at: for more info. Good Luck!