I don't know, my first guess would have been yes, but I found a few snippets...
"7. Do not use urine therapy if you are pregnant without a doctor's supervision:
Although pregnant women have been treated with successfully urine therapy for morning sicimess or edema, the therapy should not be used during pregnancy without the supervision of a doctor familiar with the medical use of urine. Doctors have reported that they have used urine therapy for morning sickness in pregnancy with excellent results, but there are reports of two spontaneous abortions which occurred after urine therapy treatments (Dunne and Plesch), possibly because of the natural release of toxins which occur with urine therapy."
"Pregnant woman can use amaroli (urine therapy) with the following restrictions. The first flow of the day (on arising form sleep) should be completely discarded. Then water, tea, milk, or any beverage can be consumed and the second or third flow can be used. However, the urine should have a light color and should not be too pungent or concentrated."
"Pregnant women can practise urine therapy with the following restrictions. The first morning urine should NOT be ingested. After drinking water, tea or milk, you may drink the second or third flow. The urine should be light in colour, not too sharp or bitter and not too concentrated."
Can't seem to find much else, at least not from my whopping 5 minutes of quick searching, hehe. But anyway, hope it helps some!