After reading here, I am thinking the magpulser is best to heal athletic injuries such as pulled ligaments, muscles, tendons etc. Is there a better device for this specific purpose? Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
I had a torn ligament on a finger. Would not heal properly because of the work outs I was doing. I tried the Magpulser and I believe that it healed it. It took less than a whole week. It did not just mask the pain. This happened over a year ago and my finger is still fine.
Just my two cents.
I just ordered one and should be here any day. I will let you know how it works out. I have also ordered the alternative light paddles (yellow and blue) that will be coming out in a few months. I heard that the yellow light is more in the 590 nm wavelength and works the best for wrinkles and collagen regeneration.
They delayed the shipping of the product otherwise I would already own one.
Back then I had some ligament issues and used the MP5 but would have loved to have the Lightworks. Un/Fortunately all was better by the time the Lightworks started shipping... :)
I'll let you know how it works. Seems like the treatment times are very long, but I might as well try it before I go it and buy something else. Thanks.