Here is a link from the page osal just posted:
It mostly talks about cancer, and urine/uropathy in relation to cancer. At the bottom there is a list of many sources with what appear to be case/identification/report numbers... at least, that's my guess on what they are. Here's an example: 45:551-556.
Here's an excerpt, as well as the list of references from 65 to 95. I'm sure there's some way to find the actual source material, at least for some of them!
Subcutaneous urine injections was practiced in 1912 by
Duncan (65) from New York under the name of auto-pyotherapy
for urinary infections, and in 1919 by Wildbolz (65) from
Bern for diagnostic purposes. Cimino (66) from Palermo
reported in 1927 on the use of auto uro-therapy for urinary
infections. Rabinowitch (67) in 1931 described this
auto-urine therapy for gonarthritis. Jausion et al. (68)
used this kind of therapy in 1933 for desensitization and
endocrinological problems. They treated with auto urotherapy
injections patients who suffered from migraine, pruritus,
asthma, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Day (69)in 1936
treated patients with acute and subacute glomerulonephritis
by injection of an autogenous urinary extract. Sandweiss,
Saltzstein and Farbman (70) reported in 1938 that an extract
from urine of pregnant women has a prophylactic and
therapeutic effect on experimental ulcers in dogs. Shortly
thereafter the same group noted that an extract from urine
of normal women has a similar beneficial effect (71).
In 1926 Seiffert first described the construction of ileal
loop conduits for urinary diversion (72). Bricker in the
1950s popularized the use of the ileal loop as a means of
supravesical urinary diversion following exenteration for
pelvic malignancy in adults (73). Ureterosigmoidostomy as a
means of urinary diversion was used widely from 1920 to
1955. It was this type of implant which Hammer first
reported in 1929 associated with tumor (74).
Peyer`s patches are immunocompetent lymphoid organs which
participate in intestinal immune responses (75). Epithelial
cells within the crypts of the small bowel are one of the
fastest dividing cells in the body and yet they show one of
the lowest rate of malignant transformation (76). Stem cells
in the mucosa of the small bowel can divide every 8 to 12
hours (77). Tapper and Folkman (78) demonstrated that
exposure of intestinal segments to urine causes marked
lymphoid depletion in the segments. These studies give
additional support to the idea that a lymphocyte suppressive
factor exist in urine (79). The continued presence of urine
bathing the intestinal mucosa appears to locally inhibit
regeneration of the Peyer`s patches.
Starkey et al. (80) detected in human urine a material that
is biologically and immunologically similar to epidermal
growth factor that causes proliferation and keratinization
of epidermal tissues.
The increased susceptibility of the colon to cancer
associated with the existence of an implanted ureter has
been theorized to relate to 3 factore: 1. The role of the
urine in the colon (81,82). 2. The mechanical effect of the
fecal stream on the stoma (83). 3. The age of the
anastomosis (84). Adenocarcinoma of the colon mucosa is a
recognized complication of ureterosigmoidostomy. The tumor,
which develops adjacent to the junction of the ureter with
the bowel, occurs 500 times as often as in the population at
large and, in children so operated , 7,000 times as often as
in all persons under age 25. The latency period is 5 to 50
years (81,85-87).
It is common knowledge that malignant tumors may disappear
spontaneously although very infrequently (88-90). Usually it
is accepted that this could be due at least partly to an
immunological reaction (91,92). Renal adenocarcinoma is one
of the cancer types in which such spontaneous regressions
have been described most frequently (88,90).
Urinary extracts from patients with aplastic anemia (93) and
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (94) are capable of
stimulating megakaryocyte colony growth in culture, and when
injected into rats could also induce thrombocytosis in
peripheral blood and megakaryocytosis in the spleens of
these animals. Stanley et al. (95) demonstrated that rabbits
immunized with human urine concentrates from leukemic
patients developed antibody which neutralized the mouse bone
marrow colony stimulating factor in human urine and human
65. Jausion H. Sur l'auto-ouro-therapie. Journal D'Urologie
66. Cimino T. Premiers essais de vaccine-proteine-therapie
des infections non gonococciques ni tuberculeuses des voies
urinaires a l'aide des injections sous-cutanees de l'urine
purulente du sujet, sterilisee par l'ebullition
(ouro-therapie). Rivista Sanitaria 1927;186
67. Rabinowitch IM. Auto-urine-therapy in gonarthritis.
Vratchebnaia gazeta 1931;35:677-8
68. Jausion H, Giard R, Martinaud G. L'auto-ouro-therapie.
La Presse Medicale 1933;76:1467-1470
69. Day HB. Treatment of glomerulonephritis by antigen.
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70. Sandweiss DJ, Saltzstein HC, Farbman AA. The prevention
or healing of experimental ulcer in Mann-Williamson dogs
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71. Sandweiss DJ, Saltzstein HC, Farbman AA. The relation of
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72. Seiffert L. Die "Darn-Siphonblase". Arch fur Klin Chir
73. Bricker EM. Bladder substitution after pelvic
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74. Hammer E. Cancer du colon sigmoide dix ans apres
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75. Miller-Schoop JW, Good RA. Functional studies of Peyer`s
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76. Barclay THC, Schapira DV. Malignant tumors of the small
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87. Eraklis AJ, Folkman MJ. Adenocarcinoma at the site of
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88. Everson T. Spontaneous regression of cancer. Ann NY Acad
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89. Stephenson H, Delmez J, Renden D, Kimpton R, Todd P,
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91. Burnet F. Immunological aspects of malignant disease.
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92. Droller M. Immunotherapy and genitourinary neoplasia.
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93. Enomoto K, Kawakita M, Kishimoto S, Katayama N, Miyake
T. Thrombopoiesis and megakaryocyte colony stimulating
factor in the urine of patients with aplastic anemia. Br J
Haematol 1980;45:551-556
94. Kawakita M, Enomoto K, Katayama N, Kishimoto S, Miyake
T. Thrombopoiesis and megakaryocyte colony stimulating
factors in the urine of patients with idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura. Br J Haematol 1981;48:609-615
95. Stanley ER, McNeill TA, Chan SH. Antibody production to
the factor in human urine stimulating colony formation in
vitro by bone marrow cells. Br J Haematol 1970;18:585-590